
commission status: open

site last updated: 8/9/24




1. general terms

—All drawings will include a watermark that you may not remove.—I have the right to reject any commission that I do not feel comfortable drawing for any reason.—2 characters maximum on one canvas (for normal commissions). animal add-on limits are dependent on said piece—You must have a visual reference of your character(s) (meaning artwork, avatar maker, or face claims, etc.) I will not draw from a description alone (does not apply to customs).

2. Payment

—Currency accepted in USD only. Payment is made through PayPal/Artistree (Invoice).—I must receive full payment before i start your commission—payment must be made within 2 weeks of confirmation of details, otherwise please hold off on commissioning me until you have the funds so my queue doesn't get confusing <3

3. Process

—I will notify you when I have started on your commission and you, therefore, lose the rights to a refund (see point 7 further below for more info on refunds).—While I'm working on your commission I will make reviews with you to make sure I make it right.—The amount of reviews depends on the complexity of the work. (minimum 3 wips for everything above a sketch).—During the reviews, these images will include an enlarged watermark that you may not remove.—The time it takes to finish your commission varies 1 day - 1 month depending on factors such as health, the complexity of the commissioned piece, and my queue before you. Please be patient with me.—If anything comes up that will slow the progress of the initially estimated delivery time I will let you know asap!—Once the piece is finished you will receive the higher-quality version through email.

4. Revisions

—There will be no major revisions after the sketch (if your commission is more than that/not a custom).—Revisions are completely alright in the sketching stage. Any requested changes after that must be minor.

5. Copyright / Usage Policy

—I claim the rights to the produced drawing, not the buyer. Therefore I am allowed to use the copyrighted artwork to:
-Promote myself with it everywhere
-Display it everywhere to my liking (website, social media, etc.)
-Post it wherever I want
The buyer is allowed to:
—Use the commissioned piece for personal use only (you can upload it on all your social media profiles, forums, etc. I only require that you credit me (@iinspirin)).
—Print the artwork and claim the character(s) as their own, but not the artwork itself.
The following is considered copyright infringement:
—Reproducing/using the copyrighted artwork commercially - means making money off it in any way. (if you purchase commercial rights then this point can be ignored. other points still apply).
—Claiming the artwork as your own
—Removing my signature from the artwork
—Altering the artwork without my consent
I reserve the full rights to the image and its use/distribution.

6. Customer Satisfaction

—If you have a problem with anything in regards to the commissioned piece please tell me right away so we can find a solution together.—I am willing to change some of my terms for you if you ask before I start on your commission. If you, e.g., do not want me to post your art/character anywhere, we can discuss this <3

7. Refund / Cancellation Policy

—The buyer is not allowed a refund once I start working on the commission.—If for any reason I am unable to start your commission you will receive a full refund.—If you cancel your order before I started it, you can get a full refund.What is received?
—Sketch and/or final sketches that you must accept before I continue the work.
—Final artwork. File formats are PNG unless requested otherwise.


all prices will increase slightly in the final invoice due to artistree having a service fee. please keep this in mind when considering your budget <3

will draw
your ships
heavy gore/blood
light armor
any creature/animal companions

will not draw
nsfw (18+)*
just backgrounds
old people
kids under 13-ish*
super buff people*
heavy armor
real people

*upper body nudity is ok as long as it isn't sexual
*i am not comfortable drawing super young children/babies however teenagers are ok
*really really buff people (like unnatural or body-builder type) are difficult for me to draw, however, most "normal" amounts of muscle is ok
extra note: i can draw any flat-faced anthros and should be fine with most snouted anthros. anthro legs/arms are ok ! i dont have any current examples so feel free to ask if i'll be comfortable or not with the design

table of contents

1. extras
-commercial rights, dicounts, backgrounds, complexity fees, extra characters or animals


2. normal prices


3. sketch pages


4. reference sheets


5. customs


6. custom hairstyles
- hairstyle only, not custom character

1. extras

commercial rights
+75% of price on anything

10% off discounts
if your request is anything listed below i will give you a discount due to my enjoyment :)
discounts do not stack
-you're a friend of mine
-genshin/arknights/nier/valorant/touchstarved fanart (dependant on character)
-decent amount of gore/blood (one little scratch doesn't count)
-animal hybrid females
-sketch pages
-dnd ocs

—1 color background / minor decoration is free
—complex backgrounds range $10 - $80
—i can do splash art (is in the price range of "complex backgrounds") or transparent backgrounds (free) as well

body modifications/complex designs
—increase in price depends on the modification/detail (will be discussed. feel free to ask if the design you want to commission will have an increased price due to these conditions)

+1 character
+100% of character cost

+1 animal/creature
+25-75% of character cost
-added price depends on size
and complexity of the animal(s)/creature(s)

2. normal prices

sketch - $10
flat color - $15
shading - $20
half body
sketch - $20
flat color - $30
shading - $40
full body
sketch - $30
flat color - $45
shading - $60

cleaned artbust/icon
flat color - $20
shading - $30
rendering - $40
half body
flat color - $40
shading - $55
rendering - $70
full body
flat color - $60
shading - $80
rendering - $100

3. sketch pages

—completely customizable !
—add up whatever you want on it and -10% and that'll be the price :)
—only look at sketch prices above
—no more than 6 artworks on one page
—i can do up to 2 different characters on one page
—i can do animals on sketch pages too as an add-on, additional price would be discussed
example of a price: if you want a flat colored half body and 2 bust sketches it'll be $45 ($30 + $10 + $10 - 10%($5))

4. reference sheet prices

base reference sheet
(includes a cleaned front and back full body)
flat color - $110
shading - $150
rendering - $190
add-ons+1 bust (3 maximum)
flat color - $16
shading - $26
rendering - $36
+1 half body (2 maximum)
flat color - $36
shading - $49
rendering - $66
+1 side-facing fullbody (2 maximum)
flat color - $50
shading - $70
rendering - $90
+1 outfit (front-facing fullbody) (3 maximum)
flat color - $20
shading - $30
rendering - $40
+1 outfit (front and back fullbody) (1 maximum)
flat color - $30
shading - $45
rendering - $60
+1 item or close-up (5 maximum)
flat color - $5-$10
shading - $10-$20
rendering - $15-$30
+1 animal/creature (2 maximum)
flat color - $25
shading - $35
rendering - $45
all prices may increase depending on complexity, feel free to ask if the design you want to commission will have a complexity feei will draw a maximum of 5 artworks of your character on one canvas (for example, you can add 3 busts and that would total 5 including the original front + back full bodys)

5. custom prices

all customs include-full body flat color cleaned sketch
-unlimited reviews
-a color palette
-any info you'd like me to include (name, age, etc etc)
new design tier
- $75 -
-a new design completely from scratch
-references are from pinterest boards, mood boards, some sort of imagery
new design+ tier
- $85 -
-a new design completely from scratch
-made from description only
redesign tier
- $55 -
-a new design from an existing design
-references for changes have some sort of imagery
redesign+ tier
- $65 -
-a new design from an existing design
-references for changes are description only
add-onsback facing full body
- $25-$50 -
side facing full body
- $25-$50 -
custom outfits past the initial one
- $35 each -
-will be drawn on the pre-existing full bodyclose ups
- $5-$10 each -
- $20 for each new design -
- $10 for each pre-existing/minor changes in design -
all prices are subject to change depending on complexity, feel free to ask if the design you want to commission will have a complexity fee
you are free to ask for other various add-ons even if they're not listed here, just ask and i'll give you a quote if i can do it :)

6. custom hairstyles

! busts only !
-this is basically just my normal bust prices with +$5 for design fee
-if you specifically want a style that is exremely complex there may be a complexity fee, please ask if this sounds like what you want <3

sketch - $15
flat color - $20
shading - $25

cleaned art
flat color - $25
shading - $35
rendering - $45

-every 5th bust in one order is free
-10 maximum in one order

normal examples

-scroll to bottom for custom examples
-tap/click on an artwork to see close-up
-ordered newest->oldest

design examples

-scroll to bottom for custom hairstyle examples
these are just designs created by me, some of the art will be an outdated style so please only use this as reference of designs, not style <3
note: i understand that there arent many examples here due to not having many characters of my own and only recently opening this option, however, im confident in my design ability and i do offer unlimited reviews because of this <3

custom hairstyle examples